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Returned Oriented Programming is a technique that allows to exploit sequence of instructions (gadgets) already present in the binary.

Usually, these gadgets are ended with a "ret". In this way you can create a chain of multiple gadgets.

There are a lot of possible combinations by looking also to the external libraries used by the binary.

ROP is used when you have no executable area to write a shellcode.


Export all gadgets in an external file

ropper --nocolor --file ./path_to_binary > gadgets.txt

Export only small gadgets that ends with a return.

ropper --inst-count 3 --nocolor --type rop --file ./path_to_binary > small_gadgets.txt

When exporting ropper output use --nocolor to avoid getting also color encoding characters.

Useful paramaters

--inst-count 3 Returns only gadgets with a maximum number of 3 instructions.

--type rop Returns only gadgets that terminates with a return.

See ropper --help for more details.

Patch the binary


WIP (put here an example)


You can use the command ldd to see libc and loader details.



Remember to make executable both the libc and the loader file.

patchelf --replace-needed <lib_name> <lib_path> --set-interpreter <loader> <binary>

Where to write

  • .bss
  • .data
  • stack (address are randomized, so you need a leak)

You can use readelf to find the start address of this sections.